Priority Payments Tech Integrates With Valor PayTech


Priority Technology Holdings, a provider of payments technology, claims that as part of a partnership for omnichannel solutions, its MX Merchant network has been connected with Valor PayTech.

John Grebe, vice president of product strategy at Priority, said in a news release on Thursday that working with Valor had been “refreshing”. They don’t simply concentrate on their technology; they also play a key role in assisting us in resolving critical business issues.

Georgia-based Priority provides a platform that works at scale and enables businesses to accept, hold, and distribute money. For resellers and their merchant clients, Valor offers “cloud-based, end-to-end, processor-agnostic omnichannel payments solutions.”

According to the firms, their collaboration produces an “extensive roadmap for third-party software integrations,” with the cloud-based Valor Connect interface requiring little to no work on the side of independent software providers and their clients to add Valor payment terminals.

According to the press announcement, “significant synergies between the two organizations have already resulted in the creation of very inventive solutions that provide Priority resellers the chance to make more sales and earn significantly more.”

This information was released a little more than a week after Priority announced a collaboration with the international provider of payment goods PAX Technology. In order to enable end users, including Priority clients, to utilize the full range of PAX’s Android products, PAX developed, customized, and certified their VTX payment app. This relationship is a result of the prior work Priority and PAX had done together.