Telemarketing Prospecting with Intelligence


Let’s talk about Robots versus humans.

More and more parts of our lives are being automated and digitized, which is great… right?

From online shopping to ordering a takeaway, from texting to emailing, technology can make some of life’s tasks a cinch… but we’re not robots, we’re humans!

Have you ever gone back and forth over text with someone, and in the back of your mind you’re thinking “this would be so much easier if I called them!”.

Here are a few reasons why I think it’s better to talk:

  1. Speed… talking is quicker than texting & typing
  2. Enjoyment… talking is more enjoyable (depending on who you’re talking to!)
  3. Ideas… talking things through leads to more creative thinking and collaboration
  4. Fewer distractions… once you’ve spoken about something, it’s done.  You don’t have notification after notification, distracting you from all the other things you’re trying to get on with

This applies to every part of our lives – at work and at home.  It’s why our business exists.

Telemarketing as part of your business marketing strategy

Telemarketing is a key part of most businesses marketing efforts.  I’m not talking about cold-calling, those days are gone, but the days of intelligent prospecting are here! Scripted calls and generic messaging are a waste of time, real conversations, research, and understanding are where the best leads come from. From digital marketing to print, a well-rounded marketing strategy is important for the success of any business, yet the channels that perform best are those with direct customer interaction or conversation.

So if there’s a prospect you want to talk to, rather than writing an email or a LinkedIn message, why not pick up the phone and speak to them?  If there are hundreds – or even thousands – of prospects you’d like to speak to, then consider using Telemarketing as part of your marketing activity.  You can do it in-house or you can outsource it, the pros and cons of each are something I’ll write about another time!