Mobile Marketing: A Prerequisite For Modern Marketing Strategy


    Mobile marketing can do wonders for driving brand value and demand for your product or services. Today mobile aka smartphones especially is an integral part of our day-to-day life. We have started incorporating our work on smartphones as we go about with our daily activities. According to a survey every person spends an average of two to three hours on a mobile phone. Keeping this shift in mind, mobile marketing has gained momentum. 

    Marketers have started to pay more attention to mobile marketing, and are inculcating strategies to reach audiences via mobile phones. It helps in connecting with more customers at any point in the customer lifecycle. To adapt to this growing trend and to connect with your audience, a marketer must create a seamless experience. Mobile marketing helps in speeding up purchase time especially in complex transactions and has a positive repurchase rate. Below mentioned are a few key factors that should be kept in mind to offer seamless mobile marketing

    Mobile-friendly website: This should be your main priority. Make sure that your website is readable, easy to navigate, and easy to take a call to action when a prospective lead views the website on its smartphone. Try developing the minimal text on the website with vertical creative formats and take advantage of unique smartphone capabilities, such as location data and click-to-call links. Make sure you have a responsive web design that enables and help you build and maintain a website that operates on all types of devices. You require a special skill-based team to help develop a mobile-friendly website. Although the time invested will be more but in the long run, it will help you get results. You may also check if your website is mobile-friendly with a Google tool. 

    Email Marketing: Since most B2B users today are millennials, as per a survey 81 percent of people read their emails on their smartphone. Emails play a very big role in mobile marketing. Make sure the content of your emails is simple. Design an eye-catching single-column email layout, and highlight the call to action button. Since the layout is narrower than a desktop, keep in mind you have a few seconds to make a first impression. Hence use attractive headlines and eye-grabbing bullet points or font. 

    Let Visuals Talk: Human mind is more attracted to visuals and images. Content if posted without visuals or graphics, doesn’t stay for long in anyone’s memory. Make use of graphics, visuals, Infographics, and/or videos to promote your content for mobile marketing. 

    Focus on Social Media: Today most people use their smartphones for browsing social media. It is the best way to reach your targeted audience. Social media has become a full-fledged mobile marketing channel. You need to design your strategies effectively and target social media users. 

    Develop App: You can create a specialized mobile application that would help in user engagement, help build loyalty, and help in conversion. By developing an app, you can gain control of customer information and their activities. You can share information about upcoming events or deals, you may share important software updates as well as improve your brand awareness. 

    Privacy: Mobile users have a big concern about privacy and usage of their data. Make sure to understand privacy regulations geographically and industry-wise as per your customers. If your user does not feel secure on your app or website they won’t visit it again. Work with your information team to make sure that all your user information is protected. 

    Today people have evolved and so have businesses. B2B mobile leaders are generating higher levels of mobile engagement as measured by search queries, site traffic, lead generation, and actual transactions. They’re also seeing a greater share of revenue that is mobile-driven or influenced.