How To Target The Right Market? (Part: 1)


So, you’ve worked hard and finally finished creating that appealing and killer product or service, which is great, but your work isn’t done yet. The important objective now is to select a target market since you should know who your market is, who your audience is, and what the pains and difficulties are. Your following step is critical, and it is nothing to discover the suitable market for these items and services; you must present your products or services to the appropriate audience. So the next stage is to select the target market in order to maximize ROI.

How do you determine your optimal target market?

If you fail to correctly define your target market, none of your marketing will work, not your ad, content, website, social media, or anything else. If you are stumped, then follow these methods to find the best solution:

First, determine your market:

To begin, you must thoroughly grasp your specialty. You should consider why a buyer would be interested in your products or services, and what makes them unique. As a result, thorough market research and segmentation are required.

Identify your target audience:

The target audience is nothing but your overall audience to whom you want to sell your products or services. Identify your audience according to your niche. It depends upon the below factors:

Demographics: Demographics are decided according to your niche. You can identify your potential audience on the basis of factors like age, race, and sex, and also includes social criteria like employment, education, religion, income, and marital status. Like if you are dealing with sports-related services like gymnastics or martial art then you can easily identify your potential audience by their age because an audience above 30 would take very less interest in these activities.

Geographic location: You can identify your potential audience according to your market location. Your audience may be local, state, national, or international. For example, if you are dealing with sports-related products then your potential audience is more from your market location and if you are dealing with some online services like digital marketing courses then your potential audiences would be from all across the world.

Nature, behavior, and Psychology: The target market is strictly based on the attitudes, emotions, beliefs, and Psychology of the audience. You should be aware of the audience’s interests like what they like or dislike, and what new trends come in the market they are looking for. If your market is located in a particular local area then you should have the idea of the above things.

So, deeper research of demographics, geographic location, and nature & behavior are a must in the identification of the target audience and it totally depends upon your niche. You can use some digital marketing tools like Google Analytics or Facebook insight for this.