In 2022, Work Smarter By Generating More Leads For Better Sales.


Things are finally getting back to normal. That means face-to-face meetings, no more working from home (for those that prefer being back in the office), and Richard avoiding making anyone else in the office a coffee (we see you, Richard).

The pandemic taught us how to work smarter. Using video calls to qualify leads, managing our time more efficiently and cost-effectively, while also being much more environmentally friendly. We must work smarter in our marketing, too. As things get back to normal, your competitors will be looking to develop their lead generation and brand awareness strategies. You need to do it better and get an edge on them, there’s no other option.

Have you got your lead generation strategy ready for 2022? Every business in the UK will be asking themselves the same questions over the coming weeks, so it’s important to get ahead of the pack.

“But our lead generation is working fine”

Lead gen changes all the time, which means the strategy you’re implementing needs to be adaptable and consistently updated. That’s fine, it’s the nature of marketing and we’ve all accepted that, but it does mean you need to keep on top of it at all times.

Check out 7 B2B Lead Generation Strategies you can use to revitalize your lead gen in 2022.

“We don’t have time for lead gen”

We get it, marketing takes a lot of time to do right.

There’s a reason that people invest in marketing agencies – it’s the most cost-efficient way to gain access to all of the marketing resources you need to successfully generate leads, grow your business and get a return on your investment.

Most businesses don’t have time for lead gen, that’s not unusual. This often results in rushed or poorly funded marketing campaigns that are doomed to fail from the start.

If you need help planning your digital marketing strategy or choosing a marketing agency, read this.

“We’ve never done lead gen before”

Is your business successful without a lead generation strategy? Imagine how much better it could be with one!

An investment in lead generation is an investment in your business’s future. You might provide the best product/service on the market, but if a competitor is shouting louder, then they’ll get the new business over you almost every time.

Don’t forget about your current clients/customers, either. It’s much easier to sell to people who already know and trust your service and brand. Open a dialogue with them, ask if there’s anything else they need, and position yourself as the best choice.

“Lead generation is a waste of money”

Approach marketing incorrectly, or half-arse the process, and you’ll waste money, it’s true. Likewise, focusing exclusively on brand awareness and top-of-the-funnel leads will burn cash if done without the direction of a clear sale.

But, with the correct methodology, your lead generation strategy should deliver a return on your investment. More leads mean more sales – what’s not to love?

“People already know who we are”

Sure, you might be a big player in your sector, but your reputation can’t carry you forever.

Your brand may be well known, but that won’t last forever. As new blood and fresh eyes join the industry, they’ll come looking for businesses – there’s a good chance yours won’t stack up.

Your branding needs to be modern, relevant, and attractive, as does your service and offering. Fail to do so, and your business will slowly become irrelevant.