Growth Hacking Tactics For B2B: Part 2


So, we learned about growth hacking in the B2B business in the previous blog. We’ve seen how different growth hacking strategies are used by B2B and B2C sectors to target their potential market. And what measures can growth hackers use to track their progress?

In this article, we’ll go over five key growth hacking strategies that any growth hacker targeting a B2B audience should be aware of. The following are the key strategies:

Invitations to Networks

This strategy isn’t only limited to social networking apps. Encourage clients to share with their B2B network to help your B2B and B2B SaaS product grow, especially given the large number of people involved in B2B buying behaviour.

Utilizing the power of network invitations can make a major impact in your growth if your product requires a large number of users to function properly or if your service benefits from having a large number of connections inside it. Create email or social media templates that individuals can use to contact their contacts. It will make it easier for them to do so and increase their chances of doing so.

Create a Free Tool That Is Actually Useful

Free tools are an excellent method to engage B2B clients with your company and its products before asking them to purchase. CoSchedule, a marketing suite, created the Headline Analyzer to help marketers create high-quality headlines for their marketing material. It’s become the most popular free headline analyzer, and all you have to do to utilise it is sign up for their email list.

It’s a clever technique because the analyzer satisfies the needs of their target audience (marketers), raises brand exposure, and creates trust. It also adds the proper people to CoSchedule’s email list, from which they can market their paid service.

Sharing on Social Media

This one is still on the list because it still works. People enjoy sharing information with their networks, especially their co-workers that they like and trust. What motivates them to share on the internet? In his book Contagious: Author Jonah Berger explores why things catch on in his book. On the platform, people share information such as:

• Enhance their appearance

• Make connections to things we already know about (“top of mind” or “tip of the tongue”)

• Emotions are easily triggered

• Others can see what we’re doing.

• Add value to others in a practical and relevant way

• Develop a passion for storytelling and narratives

Using any or all of these tactics, you may make your SaaS product more appealing to people and boost market recognition.

Make it simple for individuals to share your material and ideas on the social media platforms that your target market prefers. Add social sharing buttons to your website, as well as links to your social media accounts so that people may follow you, and in-line links, buttons, and other elements to encourage people to share your material.

Integrations between APIs and apps

Integrating your B2B SaaS app with other helpful apps allows you to take advantage of both apps’ data, brand awareness, and user base. The API owner determines how much data other apps have access to, giving it a secure way to interface with other apps while expanding your consumer base (either as the API owner or user.)

Salesforce, for example, makes its platform and data accessible to a community of developers, allowing B2B enterprises to integrate with their information and apps in a variety of ways.

Expand Your Email Database

Email marketing continues to provide a good return on investment. Why? Because we’re still all using it. We always check our email, no matter where we work or what we’re doing. It’s especially effective in the B2B market, because many organisations don’t allow employees to access social media while at work, at least not from their office computers.

One of the reasons that 87 percent of B2B organisations utilize email marketing is because it is extremely low-cost and low-effort. It may take some time to build the list, but once they do, there are plenty of prospects for expansion.